In Memory of





Condolence From: Daryl East, Friend of the Family
Condolence: Roger was a good friend. I will always cherish the experience I had with him when I was 15 years old. I had broken my arm and couldn't work during the summer and he took me with him to Chicago with a load of cattle. We stayed over night at some sort of bunk house for truckers at the stock yards. My thoughts are with you, his family.
Tuesday February 17, 2009
Condolence From: Diana Patterson
Condolence: You are all in my prayers. Roger was a great "one of a kind" guy, and will be greatly missed. May God be with you in the days ahead.
Saturday December 27, 2008
Condolence From: Amy Echlin, Marge's daughter
Condolence: I have the fondest memories of times shared at Carl & Rita's kitchen table, when Roger would stop in for coffee and conversation! God bless him, and all of you.
Thursday December 25, 2008