In Memory of





Condolence From: Kay (Jacobson) Kluver
Condolence: I am Velma's niece and I speak for my sister's Debbie, Barb, Donna Rae, and brother George that we have many fond memories and Velma will missed.
Tuesday February 09, 2010
Condolence From: Kay Kluver
Condolence: Velma, You will be missed. Love You. Kay (Jacobson) Kluver.
Tuesday February 09, 2010
Condolence From: Karleen Parrish, neighbor
Condolence: I was Velma's neighbor for 18 years, and my son and I mowed her lawn yearly. She had a special liking for my son, Trent, and we enjoyed her as our neighbor. Always admired her flowers and gardening. She will be missed by all.
Monday February 08, 2010
Condolence From: Rosann Johnson
Condolence: I drove Velma to her Doctors appointments while she lived at Windsos Manor and enjoyed her company and the many conversations we had. She will be missed at Windsor Manor
Monday February 08, 2010
Condolence From: Kristi Nelson
Condolence: you folded towels for my beauty shop and I so appreciated it thank you and miss you. You were so kind .
Saturday February 06, 2010