In Memory of





Condolence From: Tina
Condolence: My Condolences to Leila and family... I didn't get to know Mr Hemmen very well but he was a hardworking man... Thoughts and prayers to the family..
Monday December 28, 2015
Condolence From: Donovan and Linda Burke
Condolence: Dear Leila: Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. Ron was one of my favorite cousins and he will be missed by Donovan and I. We always enjoyed our times together. To Rhonda, Sonia, and Darren: It is so hard to lose a parent. I know. I lost both my mother and my father within five months of each other. It is a very difficult time. Please know that we are thinking of you. But at least we are assured your dad and my parents are in a better place now. Love, Donovan and Linda
Tuesday November 03, 2015
Condolence From: Lee Swartz
Condolence: Ron was as we all know a great man that accomplished a lot. I remember Ron when he and his Dad (another good man) helped deliver appliances from the Gambles Store Many years ago and helping us move to Colorado. Ron will be missed by many and I am sure many will have happy memories.
Tuesday November 03, 2015
Condolence From: ellie mcbroom
Condolence: Sonia, I am so sorry to learn of your dad's death. May God's Angels comfort you and your family at this time.
Tuesday November 03, 2015
Condolence From: Kelly Stanford
Condolence: To the Hemmen family. I am sorry for your loss. Growing up across the street from you all I remember your dad as a gentle giant. He was big and tall but so nice and caring. Never heard a cross word come out of him. May your memories get you thru this hard time in your life. My family sends their thoughts and prayers.
Tuesday November 03, 2015
Condolence From: Sadie
Condolence: My great uncle was a very special man. So kind & always made me smile. Sending all my love to my Aunt Leila & my cousins. He will be greatly missed.
Monday November 02, 2015
Condolence From: Amy Habhab - McBride
Condolence: To my Uncle Ron, You will be truly missed by your family and friends. You were a stand up kind a guy and I always enjoyed being around you. How can we forget the guy that always handed out watches. To my Aunt Leila, We know that God has Ron in his hands now. I know that you will miss Ron a lot as he was your world. In the last months you have held his hand, conforted him, and prayed for and with him. He was lucky to have you in his life and I can hear him saying that now. To my Cousins Rhonda, Sonya, Darren & kids, A Dad is a hard person to loose in your life. I know for I still think of mine every day. But I know you are all strong people and will walk through life with your memories of happy times. My prayer is to ask God to wrap his arms around all of you and give you strength. For Ron was a wonderful man and we will remember him always.
Monday November 02, 2015
Condolence From: Jane Frazier
Condolence: Ron was a very kind and generous soul. As he always said to me, "'my friend, my friend", I say back to you, Ron. I worked with him when they stored and delivered my motors and timers for daily production at Electrolux (Franklins, Webster City Products, Frigidaire) from the time I started in 1981 and his support and dependability kept the lines running for many years. I know he had to have had the entire phone book memorized, which I found remarkable. But more important than work, Ron and Leila were truly two of the best friends I have ever had. Their faith and concern was so comforting. I will miss you Ron, but I know you are in our Father's Kingdom, and I'm sure making it perfect for when we all come to join you. Rest in peace, my friend. Jane
Monday November 02, 2015