In Memory of




Condolence From: Amelia Oliver
Condolence: Dear Gina, I remember way back when we were in middle school and I would come over to your house to play during the Summer. Your mother always had a good joke waiting for us, or a friendly smile. I remember thinking how completely animated she was and it always started our days off well. I have very found memories of those days. Flip flops, neighborhood walks and oh, the laughing! My warmest memories and condolences to you, Amelia
Tuesday March 17, 2015
Condolence From: carrie Breitbarth (house)
Condolence: gina, you don't know me but my mother used to babysit you when you were a baby. I saw your mothers passing and wanted to pass my prayers to you. she was always such a friendly woman and ive never seen a woman soo in love with her child like your mother was with you. my mom babysat you for over a year so you and your mom became an extended part of my family at that time. ive often wondered through the years whatever happened to you both. I am soo saddened to see that your mother is no longer with us . my prayers to you and hope you are doing well yourself. my mother has also passed $ years ago so I know the pain you are feeling but, I hope you have comfort knowing she is in the lords arms and she has an old friend in my mother that was there to receive her.
Sunday July 27, 2014
Condolence From: Barbara Coghla n Slagle
Condolence: Gina So sorry to read this obituary. Karen was a classmate of mine. She was such a kind and lovely person. It is so sad to learn that the Boone High Class of 1969 has lost another classmate. We will honor her at our reunion in September. With deepest sympathies, Barbara Coghlan Slagle
Monday July 07, 2014
Condolence From: Jane Arends
Condolence: Gina & Family, I had the opportunity to meet your mother when I hired her to strip the stair railings in my home south of Stanhope in the 1980's. We shared many stories, but one special thing that she shared was a recipe for rhubarb cake. It has been our favorite for years. In fact, we talked about the recipe and Karen on last Monday as her name is attached to that recipe card and we again were making the rhubarb cake that day. it was my pleasure to know her and may you keep many pleasant memories of her forever. PS: if you'd like the recipe, please contact me through my email or ask Bob Erickson how to contact me. I currently live in Prior Lake, MN. Jane Arends
Sunday June 15, 2014
Condolence From: S. Elaine
Condolence: Gina and family, Words cannot express the pain that I know is felt over your loss. I am so sorry and send my deepest condolences. Lean on family and friends for support and look to God's Word, the Bible, for comfort, peace and strength. At Isaiah 41:10 God gives us the assurance; "Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not gaze about, for I am your God. I will fortify you. I will really help you. I will really keep fast hold of you with my right hand of righteousness." Take comfort. You are not alone. Galatians 1:3; John 5:25,26; Revelation 21:3,4.
Saturday June 14, 2014
Condolence From: Healing Registry
Condolence: Someone has supported the family by purchasing them flowers or gifts from the Healing Registry.Buy Gift Now
Friday June 13, 2014
Condolence From: Rochelle Green
Condolence: Dear Gina, Val told me about about your mother. You have my deepest sympathy. I'm sorry I did not get to meet your mother, but she must have been a great mother because she raised an awesome daughter! If there is anything I can do, please do not hestiate to let me know. You are in my prayers, Rochelle Green
Friday June 13, 2014
Condolence From: Clint Leake
Condolence: Dear Gina and family, We were so sorry to hear about Karen.. She was such a sweet lady and a great friend for many years. She had a great sense of humor and we had many fun times at the AMI in Chicago and in Webster City. We have lost a great lady that will truly be missed. your friend, Clint & Maria Leake - Dallas, TX
Friday June 13, 2014